Entry Requirements : 60% and above in Graduation honours degree in Psychology or an equivalent qualification that confers Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership with the BPS. Applicants whose undergraduate degree is a 2.2 or equivalent will also be considered, but will be required to demonstrate relevant experience and theoretical knowledge and the ability to study at the required academic level. Applicants applying with an ‘equivalent qualification’ need to be able to supply evidence of Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership prior to being considered for interview. You must explain why you want to study this course and outline any relevant knowledge or work experience in your personal statement, alongside examples of times when you have demonstrate personal attributes such as resilience and good communication skills. You will need to provide a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check (formerly known as a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure) which includes proof of identity. One academic or one vocational reference is required. Final selection is based on an interview process with members of the course team. In addition to the entry requirements listed above, you must: take part in a group exercise as part of the interview process demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively, through spoken English. Unfortunately, the British Psychological Society will not confirm that international degrees confers GBC status until a student has completed that degree. As such, international students who are currently completing their undergraduate degree and will not be graduating until after the closing date will not be eligible to apply for this entry. Applicants applying with an ‘equivalent qualification’ need to be able to supply evidence of Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership prior to being considered for interview; only formal confirmation from the British Psychological Society will suffice and be accepted..